Jett Stallard
Jett has been attending & assisting at conventions for over a decade, finally delving into the roles of Programming Staff (RavenCon, ConCarolinas, Conapalooza) and Panelist.
Apple of Your Eye Cosplay is Jett’s Facebook page for all things cosplay, showing off her thrift- and scrounge-style of work. She does modifications to pieces she’s found in stores, her favorite styles of cosplay are from Star Trek, Marvel, cartoons, and musicals.
A self-proclaimed “Podcast Enabler," she has lent her voice to audio novels (Murder at Avedon Hill) and geeky podcasts (Girls Rules, Geek Radio Daily), encouraging her friends to continue their podcasting dreams.
She has family ties to NASA and the Goddard Space Flight Center. A solid gamer girl, she’s spent hours in World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Pokémon Go, and multiple Animal Crossing games.
Raised on a steady diet of 80s + 90s Sci-fi, Jett adores all things Star Trek, enjoys Star Wars, The X-Files, and Firefly, and watches way too much anime.