Theresa Glover
Theresa Glover is the author of the Caitlin Kelley Monster Hunter series of books, a developmental editor, and the Associate Publisher at Falstaff Books. She also gets up to ridiculous role-playing shenanigans as part of the Authors and Dragons podcast series, an assistant con-runner for the Saga writing conference and Authors and Dragons Con. At conventions, she is often found gleefully tempting readers with awesome books at the Falstaff Books Mothership (aka book table). This nerd enjoys all kinds of gaming - from board games to Magic the Gathering - to geeking out about writing, publishing, genre fiction, and crafting in general. When not planning or attending conventions, wrangling ADHD-powered kittens behind the scenes at Falstaff Books, or wreaking editorial havoc on copulas and other writerly sins, she's probably buried in a book, devouring horror movies alone in the dark or playing Pokemon with her nephew.