
ConGregate 10

Wanda Howard image

Wanda Harward

Wanda Harward is a member of The Charlotte Geeks, assisting Joey Starnes and Carol Cowles with Geek Gala, The Geekery Market (formerly Muggles Market), and other shenanigans as required. Her geeky interests include anime, Japanese fashion, filk music, renaissance faires, and gaming (online and tabletop). She runs a twice monthly D&D 5e group presently.

Professionally, Wanda is a tarot reader and life coach ( ). She has been reading Tarot for over 2​5​ years (professionally since 2017)​. She has been a tarot reader for many events and locations, including Carolina Renaissance Festival, ​Muggles Market​,​ SagaCon, and many professional events.